About Me



Job Title

Prince Shammah, Freelance Web Developer

Stuff About me

I'm a Freelance Web Developer based in Nigeria. I spent four years in the university to get a B.S. in Computer Science and then went to Youtube to learn how to code. I'm a self-taught developer. I've been coding for about 7 years now. I'm currently learning more about DevOps and Cloud Computing while also getting into UI/UX design. I'm also a big fan of open source software and I'm currently working on a few projects of my own.


Let's see, I worked as an IT manager for about a 16 months, fixing PCs and printers around the office. After that I worked as a Junior Software Engineer at Epoh Music

I'm currently a freelancer at the moment. I'm spending most of my time now learning new stuff. Just might build all of those ideas sitting in my head while I'm sitting around.


I use a lot of stuff. I'll list them below.

  • Wordpress
  • React.js
  • Next.js
  • Typescript
  • PHP
  • Kotlin
  • Docker
  • MongoDB
  • Laravel Eloquent
  • GraphQL
  • Firebase
  • Figma